"Hamwe" is a word in Kirundi that roughly translates to the English word "together". The root of the word, is of Bantu origin meaning "one". The name is very important because it is an embodiment of the values that were most important when the idea for this project was born.... Community! Having lived in both The Americas and East Africa, it is often hard to bring the two places I called home together, however, I have come to learn that there are many things that can bring people together despite being worlds apart. Coffee is one of those things that brings people together all around the world; students studying for an exam, friends catching up, or even the couple starting out on that first date. For us, coming together means bringing the best we have to offer to you from farms all across the globe and in turn giving back to the communities that depend on coffee as a livelihood. Working together and helping each other, does not have to mean crossing oceans, it could simply start with one cup of coffee.